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Bethel Youth Basketball Rec League Information

By Bethel Youth Basketball, 09/03/21, 7:00AM CDT


Bethel Rec League


2nd - 6th-grade boys and girls


-The object of the rec league is to have fun and learn fundamentals.

-The format this year is fullcourt 5 vs 5.

-Season typically starts with practices in December and Games starting early January through early March.

-Games will be played on Saturdays

-Equal playing time

-No Zone Defense will be allowed.

-No isolation basketball (This league is about the kids having fun and learning the game)

-2nd/3rd/4th-grade boys and 2nd/3rd girls will not play defense outside of the 3-point line.

-No double team outside of the paint.

-The foul shot format will be count one, shoot one.(2nd/3rd/4th Grade Boys and 2nd/3rd grade girls will be shooting foul shots at the 18” line in from of normal foul shot line—5th/6th Grade Boys and 4th/5th/6th Grade Girls  will be shooting at normal foul line)

-2nd/3rd/4th-grade boys and 2nd/3rd girls will play on a 9ft rim with 27.5” ball

-5th/6th-grade boys and 4/5/6 girls will play on a 10ft rim with 28.5” ball

-Clock will be 10 minute running clock (Stopping at 5 minutes for both teams to sub) Clock only stops at 5 minute mark and during injuries (4 minute halftime)

-No pressing allowed for 2nd/3rd/4th boys and 2nd/3rd girls